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Como pode un escáner intraoral 3D dental transformar o seu fluxo de traballo de prostodoncia?

2024-12-17 08:24:28
Como pode un escáner intraoral 3D dental transformar o seu fluxo de traballo de prostodoncia?

For children, going to the dentist can be a frightening activity. When it’s their appointment time, many kids just feel anxious. Fortunately, new technology is bringing us the most comfortable, accurate visits to the dentist ever! One of the most exciting of all the tools that dentists are using today is a 3D intraoral usg scanner. It enables clear pictures of your teeth and gum, an extraordinary machine. These pictures help dentists develop a more accurate plan for your care so you'll know you're getting exactly what you need.

Dental Scanners Kill How Many Birds With One Stone?

Now here come prosthodontics. Prosthodontics is a really long word that means replacing missing or damaged teeth. That’s only one complaint about traditional dental treatment — when a patient needed a new tooth or a tooth fixed, it could take ages. Dentists would take putty and mold impressions to create custom-fitted teeth for their patients. That process was awkward and would take a while. But now, thanks to 3D intraoral escáner de ecografía, the entire procedure can take place significantly quicker and with higher precision. A scanner that takes pictures of a patient’s mouth so precisely that when you print little teeth, they’ll fit. That means patients can receive the care they need without lengthy wait times.

Advantages of 3D Scanning for Dental Work

One of the main advantages of 3D intraoral scanning over traditional methods is that it is faster, with many other benefits for patients. A good thing is that new technology is not awkward like the previous procedure. Rather than using trays of goo in your mouth for long periods of time, which is beyond bizarre and uncomfortable, the scanner simply snaps quick images of your teeth. Which means patients — especially kids — have less discomfort and worry. The images that the scanner scans also are much clearer than those that older methods would produce. This clarity allows dentists to pinpoint what needs to be fixed or replaced, improving patient outcomes.

How Do Dental Scanners Assist in the Process of Teeth Restoration

So how exactly do these dental escáner de ultrasóns work when it comes to fixing teeth? First, the dentist prepares the area to be repaired. That may involve removing a broken tooth or creating a space for a new tooth. After preparing the area, the scanner is employed to capture images of the area in your mouth. These images are then used to build a 3D model of your mouth. This is a highly detailed model and helps generate a new set of teeth that align with precision. This system makes teeth repair much faster, less painful, and more accurate, which is good news for all parties involved.

Balanced Healthcare Using 3D Scanning Technology

In conclusion, 3D intraoral scanning technology has had a major impact on the way dentists treat their patients. By giving dentists clear images of a patient’s mouth, this technology enables faster and more accurate treatment plans. This translates into less hassle and fear for patients and more successful outcomes. At Henan Forever we are excited to utilize this amazing technology to assist dentists in treating their patients. So, the next time you sit in the dentist’s chair, remember that this technology is working in the background for you, making the process quicker, more accurate and way less scary than in the past! If you want to make your dental visits easier, many of these advancements are also available.


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