Medical sterilizers are one specific instrument that must be present in a hospital. Helping sanitize medical instruments, tools and equipment to prevent dangerous germs and pathogens. This is an important aspect ensuring that the transmission of infe...
KO'PROQ ko'ringBecause the public will be granted full access to its information, this simple project could bring a huge boost in global understanding of medical ultrasound systems from Henan Forever — a technology which is instrumental for doctors when interp...
KO'PROQ ko'ringIf you are in the business of healthcare elsewhere, it is still very likely that you already know how critical a role proper tools play when caring for your patients. Since portable x ray machine are key to any health care provider during a...
KO'PROQ ko'ringIntroduction To The Magical World Of Digital X-ray Detectors These are special instruments that help doctors to do X-ray images from inside our bodies. They can be quite fun to see especially that they give a good mental picture of our bones and othe...
KO'PROQ ko'ringDo you sometimes get too hurried and forget to brush your teeth? Have you travelled before and forgot to look after your teeth properly? Don't worry at all. A dental kit gives you the power to brush and floss your teeth right after every meal or snac...
KO'PROQ ko'ringIntroductionPortable ultrasound units are changing the paradigm of patient diagnosis for doctors. In the past, hospitals had those awkward cumbersome ultrasound machines that were difficult to transport anywhere. This meant a lot patients requiring a...
KO'PROQ ko'ringHello! Joint Dent - Oral-AI assistant As an Artificial Intelligence Dental CBCT Tool by AI from Henan Forever. My name is AI and through this blog post, I am introducing you to one amazing tool. But if you do not find any either, for otherwise i...
KO'PROQ ko'ringDo you want to buy the best Portable x-ray machines in Asia? You’re in luck. Below, are the top 5 Portable X-ray machines for Doctors, Dentists and Veterinarians These allow them take x rays so these doctors will be able to provide care with ease eve...
KO'PROQ ko'ringUltrasonik mashinalar - bu materiallarni saralash va tozalash uchun tovush to'lqinlaridan foydalanadigan fabrikalarda ishlaydigan otlar. Juda samarali bo'lishiga qaramay, u sezilarli va halokatli tebranishlarni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin. Agar ishchilar ehtiyotkor bo'lmasa, bu tebranishlar shikastlanishga olib kelishi mumkin. Ishga...
KO'PROQ ko'ringUltrasonik tozalash mashinasi suyuqlikda mayda pufakchalar hosil qilish uchun yuqori chastotali tovush to'lqinlaridan foydalanadigan maxsus qurilma. Ushbu pufakchalar falajni tozalash va turli sirtlardan kirlarni yo'q qilish uchun asosiy ahamiyatga ega. Texnologiya ichida...
KO'PROQ ko'ringSalom, bolalar! Ular sizning o'yinchoqlaringizni, kiyimlaringizni va biz har kuni ishlatadigan minglab boshqa narsalarni qanday ishlab chiqarishi haqida hech o'ylab ko'rganmisiz? Bu juda zo'r, to'g'rimi? Shuning uchun, ultratovushli payvandlash mashinasi deb nomlanuvchi mashina mavjud bo'lib, u bir tomondan ...
KO'PROQ ko'ringUltrasonik qurilmalar asosan zargarlik va tibbiyot sanoati bilan bog'liq ko'plab narsalarni tozalaydigan asboblardir. Ushbu mashinalar ma'lum bir tozalash suyuqligida mayda pufakchalar hosil qilish uchun tovush to'lqinlaridan foydalanadi. Pufakchalar mashina ichidagi narsalarni tozalaydi...
KO'PROQ ko'ringBizning professional savdo guruhimiz sizning maslahatingizni kutmoqda.